1984: A Preview

Group Show

Jan 25 – Mar 11, 1983

George Tooker

Landscape with Figures, 1965-66



John Alexander
Laurie Anderson
Richard Artschwager
Conrad Atkinson
Alice Aycock
James Balog
Roger Brown
Nancy Buchanan
Chris Burden
Lowry Burgess
Victor Burgin
Nancy Burson
Colette Justine
Clarice Dreyer
Sean Elwood
John Fekner
Peter Fend
Vernon Fischer
Louis Forgione
R. Buckminster Fuller
Frank Gehry
Rimma & Valery Gerlovin
Alex Grey
Nancy Grossman
Nancy Grossman
Hans Haacke
Helen Mayer & Newton Harrison
David Hawke
John Hejduk
Jenny Holzer
Rebecca Howland
Jon Jolcin
Jerry Kearns
Komar & Melamid
Rem Koolhaas & Madelon Vriesendrop (OMA)
Barbara Kruger
Don Leicht
Harmut Lerch & Claus Holtz
Les Levine
Joe Lewis
Roy Lichtenstein
Marcos Margall
Dona Ann McAdams
Suzanne McClelland & Todd Ayoung
Robert Morris
Sharon Niemczyk
Public Art Fund
Tim Rollins with K.O.S.
James Rossant
Erika Rothenberg
Christy Rupp
Ed Ruscha
Edwin Schlossberg
George Segal
Thomas Shannon
Karen Shaw
Judith Shea
Todd Siler
Jennifer Q. Smith
Paolo Soleri
Stephen s'Soreff
Tap/Cheshire Catalyst
Kathleen Thomas
Gene Thompson
George Tooker
Susana Torre
Bernard Tschumi
Mierle Laderman Ukeles


"All that they did was to keep alive in him the belief, or hope, that others besides himself were the enemies of the Party. Perhaps the rumors of vast underground conspiracies were true after all – perhaps the Brotherhood really existed! It was impossible, in spite of the endless arrests and confessions and executions, to be sure that the Brotherhood was not simply a myth. Some days he believed in it, some days not."

George Orwell, 1984 (© 1949)

1984 – A PREVIEW is a group exhibition co-sponsored by Ronald Feldman Fine Arts and The Village Voice. What is our destiny 34 years after George Orwell wrote his classic novel? In this exhibition over 70 artists present their views on surveillance, prophecy, mind control, computers, leisure, nightmares, fantasies and bureaucracies. The show includes many forms of expression and reflects both negative and positive views of the past, pretsent and future.
Photographs of a substantial number of the art works in this exhibition will be reproduced in a special issue of The Village Voice which will appear on the newsstands January 26th. Ed Ruscha has designed the newspaper’s cover and poster.
This exhibition has been co-curated by Carrie Rickey.

View Press Release

John Terreano

September, 1982

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John Terreano

September, 1982

Messages to the Public - Series

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John Terreano

September, 1982

Messages to the Public - Series

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John Terreano

September, 1982

Messages to the Public - Series

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George Tooker

Landscape with Figures, 1965-66

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Tim Rollins with 15 Kids from the South Bronx

Ignorance is Strength, 1982-1983

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Gene Thompson

Mary #6, 1983

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Paolo Soleri

Leaf Series, 1948

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Jennifer Q. Smith

Spy Closet, 1982

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Todd Siler

Projections Mirror Reflections, 1982

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Judith Shea

Vests - 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 1976

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Karen Shaw

Divisive - 99, 1978

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Thomas Shannon

World City, 1982-1983

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Edwin Schlossberg

United States of America, 1983

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Ed Ruscha

Let's Face It, 1982-83

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Erika Rothenberg

Defense Dictionary, 1982

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James Rossant

Dodoma, The News Capital of Tanzania, Plan-National Capital Centre, 1981

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Trop to the Stars, 1979

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Alastair Noble

Stablility - Instability, 1983

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Robert Morris

Preludes ( for A.B) C, A Tomb - Garden Outside the City, 1979-80

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Marcos Margall

The One Who Sees All, 1982