Business as Usual

Komar & Melamid

Jan 06 – Feb 10, 1984

Komar & Melamid

Lost Paradise (Scene from Russian Life), 1982-83


The work of Russian artists Komar & Melamid quotes liberally from the history of Western painting as well as from the ‘classic’ Socialist Realism of the late 40’s and 50’s. Their ‘history’ paintings are targeted at contemporary subjects: politics, art, culture, myths and themselves. Under the guise of old master paintings and other media, the social historians, Komar & Melamid, create their own nostalgic version of history.

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Komar & Melamid

Alexander the Great, 1983

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Komar & Melamid

Alexander the Great, 1983

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Komar & Melamid

Discobulus, 1983

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Komar & Melamid

Double Self-Portrait as Young Pioneers, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

Lenin in Zurich, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

Lost Paradise (Scene from Russian Life), 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

Natasha with Bust of Stalin, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

October Still Life with Machine Gun, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

Portrait of Medved, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

Stalin in Front of the Mirror, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

Stroke (ca. March 3, 1953), 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

The Origin of Socialist Realism, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

The Red Flag, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

The Third Empire, 1983

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Komar & Melamid

Thirty Years Ago 1953, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

What Is to Be Done, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

A Knock at the Door, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

Stalin Looking in the Mirror, 1982-83

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Komar & Melamid

The Venus of Milo, 1983