Maps Songs Lenses

Edwin Schlossberg

Nov 17 – Dec 23, 1987

Edwin Schlossberg

Edge Creates Differences, 1987


An exhibition of new works by Edwin Schlossberg will open on November 18 at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts.

The exhibition, entitled MAPS SONGS LENSES, features 35 original works of poetry rendered on various materials including unbleached canvas, woven fabric, and wooden panels. This will be Mr. Schlossberg?s fourth exhibition at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts.

Underlying MAPS SONGS LENSES is Mr. Schlossberg?s longstanding interest in the concepts of measurement and observation and the language and metaphors we use to describe the world around us. Many of the pieces in this exhibition are metaphorically based on ancient string maps used by natives in Fiji. Unlike conventional maps which serve as documented descriptions of the physical world, string maps are experiential descriptions of the forces and conditions one encounters on a journey. In a string map, winds and currents are among the experiential milestones that refer to a physical place.

To Mr. Schlossberg, ideas, language, philosophy and poetry are ?lenses? through which we examine our collective and individual selves. His poetic ?maps? are tools to describe the journey through life, and ?songs? are how we tell the story. In MAPS SONGS LENSES, Mr. Schlossberg depicts a way of describing the world through our subjective experience of it.

In addition to his work in poetry and visual art, the artist is president of Edwin Schlossberg Incorporated, a conceptual design firm specializing in creating new forms of entertainment and exhibits for museums, theme parks, and other public sites. He is author of nine books including The Philosopher?s Game (1977), The Pocket Calculator Game Book (1975), and An Imaginary Conversation Between Einstein and Beckett (1973).

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Edwin Schlossberg

Being As The Time Flows, 1987

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Edwin Schlossberg

Being As The Time Flows, 1987

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Edwin Schlossberg

Columbus Arrived at t he Coast of His Journey

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Edwin Schlossberg

Content Explanation Ritual, 1987

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Edwin Schlossberg

Description Word Kite, 1987

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Edwin Schlossberg

Grains of Sand, Snow Piles of Clothes, 1987