Kostabi: Paintings & Sculpture

Mark Kostabi

Mar 18 – Apr 15, 1988

Mark Kostabi

Pandering to Feminism, 1988


The exhibition will feature a new series of bronze sculptures based on the featureless figures in Kosabi's drawings and paintings. There are fourteen sculptures ranging in size from 10 inches to a lifesize sculpture of Upheaval which depicts a corporate boardroom meeting between eight figures.

The recent paintings demonstrate Kostabi's willingness to experiment with media and canvas dimensions. His faceless "everyperson" mixes with a stream of consciousness images and found-object stencils.

The artist is assisted by an idea creator, a draftsperson, a color theorist, a team of painters, and a title creator leaving at once everything and nothing to Mark Kostabi, whose name is the only one to appear on a completed painting. This merging of a detached, mechanical paint-by-numbers technique with a broad range of imagination has resulted in the wide variety of paintings comprising this exhibition.

This spring, Abbeville Press will release a book titled Sadness Because the Video Rental Store Was Closed and Other Stories by Mark Kostabi (192 pages, 172 full-color illustrations, cloth bound). Mark Kostabi will also be featured on an episode of CBS's West 57th in March.

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Mark Kostabi

Service, 1986

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Mark Kostabi

Service, 1986

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Mark Kostabi

Pandering to Feminism, 1988

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Mark Kostabi

On the Edge, 1988

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Mark Kostabi

Tide Gets the Dirt Out, 1988