Bergen Brass Foundry, Bayonne

Komar & Melamid

Mar 30 – Apr 28, 1989

Komar &Melamid

Komar and Melamid in front of Bergen Point Brass Foundry, Bayonne NJ, February 1989


In celebration of their recent American citizenship, Komar & Melamid, formerly of the Soviet Union, have undertaken a project to glorify Bayonne, New Jersey and its Bergen Point Brass Foundry. BERGEN POINT BRASS FOUNDRY, BAYONNE focuses on the foundry which dates back to 1890. During World War I, it played an instrumental role in supplying parts for the U.S. Navy. At one time, the foundry employed several hundred people, mostly Eastern Europeans, but presently the number of workers has dwindled to 35.

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Komar & Melamid

Bronze Circles, 1988

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Komar & Melamid

Bronze Circles, 1988

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Komar & Melamid

Bronze Leaves, 1988

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Komar & Melamid

Color & Sunset, 1988

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Komar & Melamid

Evening at Bayonne, 1988

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Komar & Melamid

Golden Hands, 1989

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Komar & Melamid

Hands, 1988

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Komar & Melamid

Homage to John Noble, 1988

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Komar & Melamid

Labor, 1988

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Komar & Melamid

Labor, Bayonne, New Jersey, USA, 1988-89

Komar & Melamid, 1989

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation view

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Komar & Melamid , 1989

installation detail

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation detail

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation detail

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation view

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Komar & Melamid , 1989

installation detail

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation detail

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Komar & Melamid, 1989

installation detail