Nancy Chunn will exhibit the 366 front pages of The New York Times from 1996 on which she has made additions, comments, and eradications. Chunn, through visual metaphor and text, provides a commentary on the events of the last year and the power of the press. Her tone -- ironic, biting yet laced with humor -- tests our response to the comedy and horrors of the news. The decorative and playful surface with its apparent spontaneous energy belies the intensity and seriousness of the project. The artist has utilized a variety of drawing styles ranging from line drawing to cartooning to more painterly art history references. More than 500 rubber stamps of visual images and alphabets have been designed by the artist or fabricated from found pictographs. Her stamped text, a mixture of wit and social commentary, mimics the brevity and purpose of a headline and draws upon common, popular phrases which have been chosen for their associations to the articles.
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