Cameron Hayes

Cameron Hayes

Feb 22 – Mar 30, 2001

Cameron Hayes

From the air we all felt sorry for the sick and starving, 1997


The Feldman Gallery will exhibit paintings by Cameron Hayes, a young Australian artist whose work presents bizarre, allegorical fictions. His sumptuously chaotic compositions display a multitude of hyper-realistic details that cover a vast field. The ribald subject matter -- perversions, grotesqueries, and cartoonish characters -- evokes the diverse phantasmagoric worlds of Bosch, Bruegel, and Daumier. Referencing Pop culture, he addresses historical and current issues with a visual satire that is laced with black humor and infused with a “Down Under” brashness.
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Cameron Hayes

Before Glass Was Invented the Science Building Was Very Open, 1996

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Cameron Hayes

Before Glass Was Invented the Science Building Was Very Open, 1996

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Cameron Hayes

Blind and Deaf School the Day Talkie Films Were Invented, 2000

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Cameron Hayes

Bonnie and Clyde during a petrol strike, 1999

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Cameron Hayes

From the air we all felt sorry for the sick and starving, 1997

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Cameron Hayes

In 1977 Cameron Hooker picked up hitch hiker, 19 year old Colleen Stan, 1998

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Cameron Hayes

In the end nobody thought green chairs were grass (the Jehovah's witnesses got sick of waiting), 1997

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Cameron Hayes

To prove he...,1999

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Cameron Hayes

Today hardly..., 1996

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Cameron Hayes

When the Rain Came the Terrorists Didn't Know Which Way Was Up, 1999