Face Off

Group Show

Oct 22 – Nov 26, 2004

David Opdyke



Art Mob with John Ashcroft
Bradley Arthur
John White Cerasulo
George Catlin
Jessica Craig-Martin
Pedro Cruz-Castro
Edward S. Curtis
Chris Doyle
James Deusing
Dan Ford
Four Walls Project
Rico Gatson
Eric Heist
Alison Jackson
Dan Kainen
Pascal Lievre
Ellen Levy
Suzanne McClelland
Bjorn Melhus
Ron Mueck
Mark Newport
David Opdyke
Pepón Osorio
Paper Rad
Richard Ross
Sterling Ruby
Tomas Ruller
Mike Peter Smith
Yuken Teruya
Michael Waugh
Joe Wezorek


The Feldman Gallery presents FACE OFF, a contemporary group exhibition that takes an unexpected approach to the current political moment. Timed to coincide with the national elections, FACE OFF responds to the growing atmosphere of anger and anxiety which has begun to define our lives, times, and political discourse.

View Press Release

Joe Wezorek

"War President"

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Joe Wezorek

"War President"


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Mark Newport

The Patriot

Hand-knit acrylic yarn, buttons with wood hanger

79 x 23 x 6 inches

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Jesica Craig-Martin

Untitled (Cheese Platter


11 x 14 inches

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David Opdyke


plasticm styrofoam, metal, paper

2 3/4 x 3 1/8 x 1 1/4 inches

Courtesy Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York

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Chris Doyle

Extraordinary Perceptual Dilemmas and the Madness of Climbing

Water Color

49 1/8 x 83 1/8 inches

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Suzanne McClelland

Well Hung

Women's National Basketball Association jerseys, silk, velvet, s

127 x 145 inches

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Ron Mueck

Untitled (Baby)

Mixed media

10 1/4 x 4 3/4 x 2 1/8 inches

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Pepon Osorio

Untitled (Detail)

painted plaster and mixed media

7 1/2 x 3 inches

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James Duesing

Tender Bodies

Still from DVD

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Sterling Ruby

Transient Bed of John

Lambda print mounted on sintra

15 1/2 x 21 1/4 inches

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Mike Peter Smith

Bound Dog

Blue foam, wood, paper mache, plastic, brass, string, paint

15 x 8 x 15 inches

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Rico Gatson


still from DVD, time 2:15

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Thomas Ruller

Plastic People