Trial and Turbulence

Pepón Osorio

Nov 18 – Dec 16, 2005

Pepón Osorio

Mikey Run (detail), 2004


Pepón Osorio’s exhibition, Trials and Turbulence, features a full-scale recreation of a family court hearing room that incorporates a young woman’s real life experiences. Osorio, who chronicles survival within the urban community, constructs overpowering facsimiles of social spaces that function as art in a new context. His multimedia installations recreate the experience of social and political realities and provide an opportunity for reflection. In his new exhibition, Osorio weaves together documentary and transformed material to confront one of the most vulnerable intersections between private life and public policy – the foster care system.
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Pepón Osorio

Run, Mikey Run (detail), 2004

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Pepón Osorio

Run, Mikey Run (detail), 2004

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Pepón Osorio

Run, Mikey Run (detail), 2004

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Pepón Osorio

Trials and Turbulence, 2004

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Pepón Osorio

Trials and Turbulence (shower detail), 2004

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Pepón Osorio

Trials and Turbulence (view from the bench), 2004

Trial and Turbulence


Trial and Turbulence

installation view


Trial and Turbulence

installation view