Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you

Yishay Garbasz

May 08 – Jun 12, 2015

Yishay Garbasz

The all seperating the Al-Quds University, 2004


Yishay Garbasz, a British-Israeli artist, will exhibit Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, a body of work based on her travels to Korea, the West Bank, and Belfast. In each of these locations, barriers exist as single lines of defense to separate warring groups living in close proximity. Through photography, video, and sculpture, the artist conceptualizes the architecture of separation with an anthropologist’s sensibility. Garbasz challenges the assumption that good fences make good neighbors, maintaining that severing connections between groups creates a culture of fear that allows a government to control its people.
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Yishay Garbasz

Sunset over Northern Limit Line, Dragon's Teeth, Baengnyeongdo

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Yishay Garbasz

Sunset over Northern Limit Line, Dragon's Teeth, Baengnyeongdo


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Yishay Garbasz

Cultivated field and fortified machine gun nest overlooking North Korea, Baengnyeongdo


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Yishay Garbasz

Security Fence on the road to Bethlehem


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Yishay Garbasz

Huwara Checkpoint


Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view

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Severed Connections: Do what I say or they will kill you, 2015

installation view