Allan Wexler Emanation 2019

The Brooklyn Rail Jul 09, 2019

Glass is a seductive, scary medium: it’s hot, it breaks; it requires artists to toss their creative visions into molten infernos, and to collaborate. Independent curator Julie Courtney felt no hesitation whatsoever when she invited eight visionary artists to play with fire; to work in a medium relatively unfamiliar to them and create large-scale glass installations in collaboration with Skitch Manion, Wheaton glass Studio Manager, for Emanation 2019. His infectious enthusiasm fueled their spirited ambitions to transcend glass as decorative craft; to cajole from the medium’s mercurial transparency the movement of sound and the shape of breath; and to etch with its cutting edges new metaphors for social injustice, apocalyptical global destruction, and the fragility of human life.

Read more here.