Komar & Melamid Tretyakov began selling tickets to the exhibition “Nevsegda. 1968-1985”

May 12, 2020

to the art of the era, which some have termed “the era of developed socialism”, others – “the era of stagnation and stagnation,” originated as the second part of the trilogy about the “Thaw”, “Stagnation”, “Perestroika”. The title of this second part of the book resonates with the anthropologist Alexei Urtaca “It was forever until the end. The last Soviet generation.” The exhibition was due to open on 10 April, but then came the pandemic, which, hopefully, is “not forever”, but yet – undetermined date out of it and the open ending. However, as said Zelfira Tregulova, the Museum plans to open this exhibition in July.

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