Brian Knep Art Matters Now — 12 Writers on 20 Years of Art: Orit Gat on 2006 and the Rise of YouTube

LA Review of Books Mar 17, 2020

In collaboration with Creative Capital, the nonprofit known for supporting provocative and progressive work, and which in 2019 celebrated its 20th year of funding and advising artists, LARB will publish 12 essays over 12 months on issues facing contemporary art in the United States. Each contributor focuses on a particular year of Creative Capital’s history and/or on a specific artist, beginning with Johanna Fateman’s introduction to the series, which reflected on the founding of Creative Capital (1999) in response to the subsequent decreases in federal funding for individual artists. In this essay, Orit Gat puts the rise of YouTube into conversation with the projects of several artists, looking back to 2006 as a way to think forward about our digital futures.

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