Todd Siler There’s no “next stop,” only “full STEAM” ahead for humankind’s AI future!

Dec 04, 2024

Humanity stands at the crossroads with our AI machines. At this moment, we can either build a better world together or destroy it—like never before.

Today, we’re encountering AI innovations that present an existential challenge to our sense of, well, “being”: human. This challenge profoundly impacts the physical-mental-spiritual health and well-being of all human nervous systems.

Everything we thought “human beings” do by nature—meaning do by instinct, having learned survival and “thrival” skills over eons—is currently being rethought, researched, reimagined, and built upon in every way imaginable: essentially, the sum of human knowledge and “inventional wisdom” are being applied to virtually all human endeavors, aided by an ever-growing network of self-designed and self-assembled AI-augmented machines. This miraculous transformation is being done by bloodless, tireless, heavy-lifting, ultra-fast thinking machines. And without these all-purpose machines, which we’re now thoroughly co-dependent on, our one world would be in an unprecedented state of peril. Sounds like a catch-22 dilemma: we can’t live without the things that threaten our very existence. Many visionary thinkers, such as the late R. Buckminster Fuller, would argue that the current state of the world has dramatically shifted—tilting the fulcrum on our “prospects for humanity” from sustainability to near extinction.

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