Paintings for the Holy Rosary Church

Komar & Melamid

Jan 11 – Feb 15, 1991

Komar & Melamid

Bergen Point, Bayonne, New Jersey, 1990-92


Komar & Melamid will exhibit in the gallery a maquette and other work related to their painting installation in the Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church, Jersey City. Two paintings, The Annunciation and The Crucifixion, were installed during the first week of December as a result of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rothman and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nardone, Sr. are placing the paintings on loan within Holy Rosary Church.

View Press Release
View Artist

Komar & Melamid

Anti-Christ, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Anti-Christ, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Bergen Point, Bayonne 1, New Jersey, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Bergen Point, Bayonne, New Jersey 2, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Fallen Angel, N.J and Annunciation, N.J, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Final Study for the Annunciation, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Final Study

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Komar & Melamid

Genesis, Exodus N.J and Archangel in N.J, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Paintings for Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church, Jersey City, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Study for the Annunciation I, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Study for the Crucifixion I, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

Study for the Crucifixion 11 and Study for the Annunciation 11, 1990

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Komar & Melamid

The Angel of N.J and Heaven, N.j, 1990

Komar & Melamid, 1991

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view

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Komar & Melamid, 1991

installation view