Eric Dyer

Eric Dyer

Artisan Orphan, 2018


Artist and filmmaker Eric Dyer brings animation into the physical world with his sequential sculptures and installations. His work has been widely exhibited at events and venues such as the Smithsonian National Gallery of Art, Ars Electronica, the London International Animation Festival, the screens of Times Square, and the Cairo and Venice Biennales. He has been honored as a Fulbright Fellow, Sundance New Frontier Artist, Creative Capital Artist, and Guggenheim Fellow. Dyer's fervent exploration of expression through motion has placed his work in books such as Re-imagining Animation: the Changing Face of the Moving Image, Animation: A World History, and A New History of Animation. He teaches visual arts and animation at UMBC in Baltimore and is represented by Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York.

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Oct 10, 2017

TEDx Group Show Eric Dyer at TEDxCharlottesville

Apr 02, 2017

The Baltimore Sun Group Show Remembering when Baltimore was an Umbrella-Making Capital

Oct 09, 2014

Glassworks Group Show Moving Pictures: An Interview with Eric Dyer


Jun 18 – Jul 18, 2019 Group Show Summer 2019

Jun 11 – Aug 23, 2018 Group Show Reprise: Summer Show 2018

Feb 23 – Mar 30, 2018 Eric Dyer Seeking Motion Hidden

May 23 – Aug 17, 2017 Group Show Art on the Front Lines

Eric Dyer

Mud Caves, 2018 (Spin Simulation)

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Eric Dyer

Mud Caves, 2018 (Spin Simulation)

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Eric Dyer

A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama (Detail), 2018

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Eric Dyer

Orphan (Detail), 2018

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Eric Dyer

Shabamanetica (Detail), 2018

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Eric Dyer

Menagerie (Detail), 2017

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Eric Dyer

Empower, 2017

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Eric Dyer

Empower, 2017 (detail)

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Eric Dyer

Swan Spirals


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Eric Dyer

Swan Spirals (detail)


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Eric Dyer

Pølser Preparations


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Eric Dyer

Pølser Preparations (detail)


Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view

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Copenhagen Cycles, 2014

installation view